Do You Know?

How many festivals are being celebrated all over the world by the CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. To read its details in Punjabi language, please click here. We all must be awakened about our own community, our extra rich heritage, distinctive values, our culture. Our new generation knows a little about its own roots. This project is only an effort to make the Christian Youths fully activated. Christians, particularly, Indian youths must unite together to make the COMMUNITY strong in every field of our society. Please accept our Best Wishes.


You are going to read, watch, study and analyze the Christian Dictionary. It is a first time effort in Punjabi & Hindi Languages. It has been compiled by MEHTAB-UD-DIN. He resides in Chandigarh (India). This Dictionary is being continuously updated. If you want to get an authentic entry of your own liking in it, please contact MEHTAB-Ud-Din at +91-9815703226 or


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